SGame Pro - Project overview

Well-known Swiss company SGame SA, specializing in mobile games, made another leap in the game space industry and offered a new playground for SGame Pro. Users of the platform are available the latest video game development, they can use the multiplayer mode, receive rewards for the game battles.

about the project
The new platform SGame Pro uses block technologies in its work, which allows players to pay with the SGM token and achieve popularity. To attract new users and interest the old, developers create the conditions under which players can spend tokens instead of game currency, getting the opportunity to purchase a digital product, get additional bonuses and earn real money. For the development team, there are many positive moments in the development itself. They can use the platform SGame Pro to develop and publish their own games, use the placement of advertising, which brings a lot of income.

The cryptographic system SGame Pro in the world of games has found social success and brings real income to all involved persons. To become a member of this project, you can join the official website and start earning. For each of the network members, you can calculate the revenue. So, let's consider such an opportunity for the game contingent, developers, advertisers and other users of the site.

This project assumes that the player, actively participating in the game process and earning in the ratings, picks up his skill, improves skills (an experienced player) and acquires experience (beginner). Each participant has the opportunity to share experiences, to conduct a duel with a newcomer, to bring experienced gamers to the competition and get a well-deserved reward. To improve their positions and gaming capabilities, a store is provided that allows you to purchase the necessary inventory. In order to withdraw its own funds, Swetch developed a system for outputting crypto currency through the user's personal cabinet.

For advertisers
The developed platform assumes participation of the advertiser through the referral system. Simply put, a user who receives a share of traffic, and is provided with the generation of SGM tokens, somehow provides an advertiser with revenue shares. The advertiser, placing his block, gets the access code to the platform. Each gamer's participation in the game process, obtaining a crypto currency, will bring a certain percentage to the account of the advertiser. Completely does not matter the activity of the player, the balance will still be replenished on the account of the advertiser, as a participant in this game area.

Business people can save on the scale of implementation and trade. They have the opportunity to conduct trading transactions in large amounts, to promote their products in the market through the Marketplace, using all the features of the game platform functionality.

Developer opportunities
Just like any user, developers can receive SGM tokens, depending on the number of added users, premium awards. For their personal contribution to the development of the project, attracting new users, advertising and business, a special reward is provided. In any case, the designers, ensuring the inflow of users, receive a stable income from their development in the mobile game world.

Especially it is necessary to note the team of creators. The founder of the business project became the well-known multimedia entrepreneur Giampietro Cutrino. As a leading marketer, businessman and creative personality, he takes leading positions in the company, actively cooperates with global brands of digital technologies. Another popular person Natale Ferrara - co-founder of the project and Cryptopolis, the founder of other equally interesting developments in the world of gaming business. Possesses skills of conducting strategy in the game business and extensive experience in the field of crypto-currency. In general, the development team includes 9 leaders who are professionals in various fields, have vast experience in promoting digital technologies, operations with critical and the game business. Thanks to 5 platform advisors, promotion is provided,

To implement the project SGamePro developers will need additional funds in the amount of $ 55 million. The promotion will begin on September 12, 2018. To join it and become an active development investor, you need to join WHITELIST and provide the necessary information about yourself.

All information on the project is available on the website. Various versions of it already either operate in the market (alpha version) or are projected for review (beta version) after the sale of the tokens.


Author : Ranjanies
Eth: 0xad877bC8739eF5C653b4b92f7063A5A44Be6F6fB


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.